Today NatureScot has published further details on its approach to the official consultation process on the potential designation of a new National Park in Galloway.
As the local constituency MSP I cannot stress how incredibly important it is that the local community, businesses, including the farming and forestry sector fully engage in this process.
It is imperative that people living in the area make clear what vision they have for Galloway in the future and how best that can be achieved.
As Scotland’s nature agency has already said any new National Park must be tailored to best suit the area. It is also important to repeat the fact that National Park designation is not a done deal and our ambitions may or may not be best delivered through the creation of Scotland’s third National Park.
What this consultation will examine – and the resulting report – is the benefits, if any, to Galloway if such a National Park is ultimately desired.
In the coming weeks, NatureScot intend to raise awareness of the proposal and work with local interests and others to design an effective consultation strategy to develop the final approach for the official consultation.
From November to January it will gauge opinion on the details of the proposals and the support or opposition to the plans through a formal 12-week consultation.
Finally, in February, it will analyse the responses received and finalise advice for Scottish Government Ministers taking account of the views expressed.
More information can be found here: https://www.nature.scot/doc/national-park-proposal-galloway-reporter-pl…